The conference "Challenges of Contemporary Publishing" is among the initiatives under the patronage of EBib and Pollub TV!

The entry may contain outdated data.

Two more institutions have joined the group of our patrons!

For more than ten years the EBiB Association has been actively working on expanding competences in the area of scientific information and social communication, open science and new technologies. Therefore, the conference "Challenges of Contemporary Publishing" and EBiB  share common goals. We are thus proud that the EBiB association has decided to become a patron of our event.

We are also glad that Pollub TV, a thriving student Internet TV station, is among our patrons. Thanks to this, both employees and students of Lublin University of Technology will be able to follow information about our conference on a regular basis.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "NAZWA PROGRAMU" POWR.00.00.00-00-z000/00-00