Date of poster ses­sion: 25.05.2023 r.
Poster sub­mis­sion deadline: 31.03.2023.

Par­ti­ci­pa­tion fee with poster: 250 PLN.
You are welcome to pre­sent your publi­ca­tion or jour­nal during the poster ses­sion. Pre­senting with a poster will enrich our con­fe­rence by pro­mo­ting indi­vi­dual publi­shers, esta­bli­shing an open dia­lo­gue among par­ti­ci­pants, sha­ring expe­rien­ces in publi­shing mono­gra­phs and jour­nals, apply­ing to inde­xing data­ba­ses, imple­men­ting good prac­ti­ces and new publi­shing models, wor­king with authors and revie­wers.
Authors of posters will be pre­sent during the ses­sion to talk about their work. The ses­sion addi­tio­nally pro­vi­des a free exchange of ideas between par­ti­ci­pants and authors.

Pro­ce­edings of the ses­sion: the pre­sen­ter intro­du­ces the topic of the ses­sion, titles and authors of indi­vi­dual posters. The actual part of the ses­sion begins, during which par­ti­ci­pants make their pre­sen­ta­tions at the posters. Par­ti­ci­pants view the papers, talk to the authors, and can ask questions.

The orga­ni­zer pro­vi­des the prin­ting of the poster and pla­ces it on the stands at the con­fe­rence venue.

Tech­ni­cal data of the poster:

– for­mat: A1; 84.2 cm x 59.7cm

– orien­ta­tion: ver­ti­cal and hori­zon­tal

– digi­tal ver­sion: pdf up to 20 Mb



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "NAZWA PROGRAMU" POWR.00.00.00-00-z000/00-00